Kris Fondran has been teaching and practicing yoga for more than 12 years. Her yoga experience and her Master’s degree in Exercise Science make her one of the top experts on yoga and fitness today. As a result of her training, Kris has developed a breakthrough program that helps people transform their bodies from flab to “fab” using yoga alone. The clarity of her presentation and the results she gets with her clients mean that Kris is in constant demand for seminars and workshops around the world. She’s shared her knowledge of fitness and health with groups in Germany, Slovenia, Holland, China, Singapore, Canada, and all over the United States. Kris has been featured in CosmopolitanShapeFitnessYoga Journal, and other leading publications.

Dear Friend,
If you’ve been looking for a way to lose stubborn pounds and inches…
If you think you’ve tried everything to flatten your tummy, slim your thighs, firm your butt, and tone those jiggly arms…
And if you’ve had it up to here with exhausting, boring exercise that eats up time you don’t have and leaves you sore and achy…
Then I’ve got great news for you.
I’m going to tell you about an easy, relaxing, and FUN way to lose the flab, lose the inches, and lose the stress. It can help you finally fit into your “skinny jeans” and get your sexiest body ever!
Not only that, it can help you enjoy non-stop energy, banish tension and anxiety, sleep better than you have in years, soothe everyday aches and pains, and much more.

You don’t have to join a gym or exercise class — in fact, you don’t even have to leave home. You can do it no matter how inflexible or out of shape you are now, and you won’t hurt or strain a single muscle. And you can see a significant difference in as little as 20 minutes a day, three days a week. That’s just one hour a week!
What am I talking about? A breakthrough approach to yoga — yes, yoga — that reshapes your body… while transforming your health and your life!

Now, chances are you may not think of yoga as “real” exercise. Maybe you think it’s simply stretching… holding what may seem like awkward poses… or humming “om”.

But there’s so much more to yoga. That’s why I want to get the word out to as many people as possible about the amazing body-shaping and life-transforming benefits it can offer you.
Kris Fondran, founder of Shapeshifter Yoga, 6 days before her 45th birthday.
My name is Kris Fondran. Years ago, I was the last person you’d think of as doing yoga. I was a long-distance marathon runner — and a classic, hard-charging “type A” personality. I always felt I had to run harder and faster in every area of my life: wife, mother, graduate student, and teacher.
Then I discovered yoga. Fortunately, I discovered it at a studio that taught yoga in its truest sense: slow-moving, focused, relaxing, and connected to the body. Doing yoga this way transformed my life by helping me finally slow down, instead of always going too fast.
Yoga also transformed my body. It’s like the ultimate anti-aging medicine! I’ve had three kids and am hitting my late forties. Yet I can still put on a bikini and feel great about how I look.
I also sleep like a baby at night and feel healthier than ever. I don’t have the usual aches and pains that crop up at middle age, even as a former marathon runner. Plus I enjoy more energy than people I know who are 10 or 20 years younger than me!
So how can something as “easy” and relaxing as yoga do such amazing things for your body? It’s because while you can do yoga and not work up much of a sweat, it doesn’t mean you’re not working your body hard. Let me explain…

Myth #1: You have to do vigorous, grueling exercise to burn calories.
TRUTH: You can burn just as many calories (and even more fat) by doing yoga alone. When you do a series of yoga moves together, your body gets a great workout without wreaking havoc with your joints or leaving you out of breath. And you can burn just as many calories as jogging!
Myth #2: Yoga can’t help you lose weight.
TRUTH: Yoga can help you lose weight. Research proves people who do yoga weigh 19 pounds less on average. This could be because yoga lowers cortisol levels so you’re less likely to overeat or snack. Plus yoga is a great way to burn fat and calories (see myth #1)!
Myth #3: “No pain, no gain” is the rule when it comes to building muscle.
TRUTH: With yoga, you don’t have to lift weights because you lift your own body weight in many poses. This helps sculpt and tone your muscles while being gentle on your body. Plus the more muscle you build, the more you boost your metabolism… so you burn even more fat and calories!

I have a Master’s degree in Exercise Science, so I have a good knowledge of human anatomy and performance. I’ve even conducted my own research on yoga in a lab and compared it to cardio exercise. And you may be shocked to hear what I learned from a recent experiment.
Kris is burning as many calories as she would if she was jogging!
I had a colleague hook me up to a special device that measures caloric expenditure. Then I did a series of simple yoga postures strung together in something I call a “flow”, which put my body into a perfect fat-burning zone. During one 10-minute flow, the device showed I burned 7 calories per minute. That adds up to 420 calories in an hour — about what I’d burn by jogging!
Plus yoga is much better for your joints than jogging. With jogging, I’d have to worry about putting all that stress on my knees and hips. In fact, I had developed bursitis in my hip from all those years of jogging. But with yoga, my joints became stronger and more flexible, instead of stiff and achy.
That’s because yoga's fluid movements allow your joints — even if they’re swollen or painful — to glide smoothly over one another, improving strength and mobility… with NO wear and tear. And you’re able to burn off just as many calories — and even more fat!

The hidden trigger that’s making you fat… and how to reverse it

You heard me right… yoga helps you burn off more fat — another huge advantage over cardio exercise. In the calorie study I just told you about, 6.3 of those 7 calories I burned per minute doing yoga were from FAT. That comes out to a whopping 90% — the same as with jogging! But yoga does something else to help you burn off more fat: it lowers cortisol.
Cortisol is a hormone your body releases when it’s under stress, which is why cortisol is often called the “stress hormone”. It’s part of your body’s “fight or flight” response, designed to help you flee from danger or protect yourself from predators. When your body releases cortisol, it floods your body with energy and gives you a higher pain threshold.
The problem is, many of us are walking around with high cortisol levels all the time — and it’s not due to the life-threatening situations this stress response was designed for. Instead, it’s due to everyday stressors, like an argument with your spouse or a rough day at work or at home with the kids.
Anything that puts emotional or physical stress on your body can increase cortisol. Even strenuous exercise like jogging can raise your cortisol to sky-high levels. And these increased cortisol levels could be making you fat!
That’s because when your cortisol levels go up, it signals your body to eat more — so you feel hungry all the time. This causes you to eat bigger portions and snack more often, leading to weight gain.
Cortisol also raises blood sugar when you’re feeling stressed. This spike in blood sugar makes your body store more fat. And the kind of fat you’re most likely to store is visceral fat — the dangerous belly fat that’s linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.

You can see why you want to avoid stressing out your body and raising cortisol levels. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to erase stress from our lives. But research shows you can lower your body’s cortisol levels by doing yoga.
In 2009, Indian researchers proved that cancer patients who followed a yoga program had lower levels of cortisol than those who did not. And another study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that healthy college students who practiced yoga had lower cortisol levels.

This means you can do yoga and get the powerful fat-blasting effects of vigorous cardio exercise, and reduce your cortisol levels at the same time. This can help you lose stubborn flab and belly fat… and keep it off! Plus you can forget about the boring monotony of jogging, running on a treadmill, or riding a stationary bike.
When you do one of the easy yoga flows like I did in my calorie study, it almost feels like dancing. So you can have FUN while you’re getting fit and toned! Plus you’ll be amazed how yoga really does help you drop those extra pounds…

Study proves a half hour of yoga a week can make 19 pounds vanish!

A recent clinical trial — funded by the National Cancer Institute — looked at 15,500 healthy, middle-aged men and women. All of them completed a survey about their physical activity (including yoga) and their weight between the ages of 45 and 55.
Researchers then analyzed the data and factored out diet and other forms of exercise that could trigger weight changes. They discovered that people who were already overweight to start lost about 5 pounds on average, simply by doing one 30-minute session of yoga a week!
Meanwhile, those who didn’t practice yoga gained nearly 14 pounds. That’s about a 19-pound difference… or the difference between wearing a size 8 dress and a size 12! All from doing a mere half-hour a week of yoga.
Imagine how great it would be to see the numbers finally budge on your bathroom scale and fit into your favorite clothes! But once you lose those extra pounds, you could still not like how you look if your muscles are shapeless and flabby.
That’s where yoga is especially helpful. It not only helps you burn off calories, lose stubborn fat, and shed pounds, it firms and tones every muscle in your body!
This means you can do yoga and get the powerful fat-blasting effects of vigorous cardio exercise, and reduce your cortisol levels at the same time. This can help you lose stubborn flab and belly fat… and keep it off! Plus you can forget about the boring monotony of jogging, running on a treadmill, or riding a stationary bike.
When you do one of the easy yoga flows like I did in my calorie study, it almost feels like dancing. So you can have FUN while you’re getting fit and toned! Plus you’ll be amazed how yoga really does help you drop those extra pounds…

Study proves a half hour of yoga a week can make 19 pounds vanish!

A recent clinical trial — funded by the National Cancer Institute — looked at 15,500 healthy, middle-aged men and women. All of them completed a survey about their physical activity (including yoga) and their weight between the ages of 45 and 55.
Researchers then analyzed the data and factored out diet and other forms of exercise that could trigger weight changes. They discovered that people who were already overweight to start lost about 5 pounds on average, simply by doing one 30-minute session of yoga a week!
Meanwhile, those who didn’t practice yoga gained nearly 14 pounds. That’s about a 19-pound difference… or the difference between wearing a size 8 dress and a size 12! All from doing a mere half-hour a week of yoga.
Imagine how great it would be to see the numbers finally budge on your bathroom scale and fit into your favorite clothes! But once you lose those extra pounds, you could still not like how you look if your muscles are shapeless and flabby.
That’s where yoga is especially helpful. It not only helps you burn off calories, lose stubborn fat, and shed pounds, it firms and tones every muscle in your body!
When it comes to strength training, forget about “no pain, no gain”. You can get a shapely butt, flat abs, jiggle-free arms, and toned thighs without being a slave to weight machines, dumbbells or resistance cords.
That’s because when you do yoga, you don’t have to lift weights. Instead, you lift your own body weight. In many poses, you position your body in ways you ultimately support with your muscles. This helps sculpt your physique in ways other strength-training methods can’t touch!
Even better, as you build those rock-solid abs, arms, thighs, and butt, you’re replacing fat with muscle. The more muscle you build, the more you rev up your metabolism. This helps you burn off even more fat and calories! So achieving your ideal weight becomes even easier.
You’ll love how sleek and firm your body looks once you begin doing yoga regularly. Plus the weight-bearing aspects of yoga help you build strong bones and improve your posture, helping you stand tall and look more confident. But that’s not all…

Why yoga can improve your man’s sex life, too!

Research shows yoga can help women enjoy better orgasms, increased satisfaction, and much more. But yoga can improve your man’s sex life, too. In fact, one study shows yoga can extend the amount of time before a man ejaculates, increasing his sexual enjoyment.
In this study, researchers looked at a group of men with premature ejaculation (PE) and compared the effects of yoga to a prescription drug. All of the men doing yoga noticed a significant reduction in PE. On the other hand, only 82% of those taking the drug improved. That means yoga beat medication hands down!

You won’t just look better than you have in years, you’ll FEEL better, too!

I think you can see how doing yoga can shape your body, improve muscle tone, and help you drop those extra pounds. But yoga is much more than a way to get your body looking good. It also makes you FEEL good…
I think you can see how doing yoga can shape your body, improve muscle tone, and help you drop those extra pounds. But yoga is much more than a way to get your body looking good. It also makes you FEEL good…

  • You’ll feel less anxious and more energized… There’s nothing like yoga to help calm your busy mind so you can relax. It gives you that much-needed “me time” to focus on yourself and your body. It also helps improve your mood and energy levels. A 2011 Japanese study looked at women who practiced yoga for two years and compared their mental states to women who didn’t do yoga. The women who practiced yoga experienced less tension, anxiety, anger, and fatigue. They also scored higher on energy, mental acuity, and emotional balance.
  • You’ll sleep like a baby at night… Whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, yoga can lull you off to dreamland and keep you there. Check out this study on chronic “insomniacs” published in the medical journal Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Those who added a simple yoga practice to their daily routine enjoyed dramatically improved sleep. They averaged an extra 36 minutes of sleep time a night, fell asleep 15 minutes faster, and reduced the number of nighttime awakenings by more than a third!
  • You’ll enjoy the best sex of your life… Here’s another way yoga makes things better in the bedroom. It can help boost desire and arousal, increase lubrication, intensify orgasm and satisfaction, and reduce pain. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found yoga significantly improved sex for women in all six of these crucial ways. And the improvement was even greater in women over age 45!
  • You’ll suffer less pain and discomfort… Yoga can be a “miracle worker” for your aching back, joints, and muscles. It improves flexibility and range of motion while reducing pain and stiffness. One study found people with low back pain who did yoga noticed a significant improvement in back comfort and function compared to other treatments!
I know yoga can do all of these wonderful things for you and more. But you can’t just do any yoga. It’s very important to do the right yoga poses, and do them correctly. Yet the way some people are teaching yoga is giving it a bad rap… and making sports doctors and orthopedists rich!
  • You’ll feel less anxious and more energized… There’s nothing like yoga to help calm your busy mind so you can relax. It gives you that much-needed “me time” to focus on yourself and your body. It also helps improve your mood and energy levels. A 2011 Japanese study looked at women who practiced yoga for two years and compared their mental states to women who didn’t do yoga. The women who practiced yoga experienced less tension, anxiety, anger, and fatigue. They also scored higher on energy, mental acuity, and emotional balance.
  • You’ll sleep like a baby at night… Whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, yoga can lull you off to dreamland and keep you there. Check out this study on chronic “insomniacs” published in the medical journal Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Those who added a simple yoga practice to their daily routine enjoyed dramatically improved sleep. They averaged an extra 36 minutes of sleep time a night, fell asleep 15 minutes faster, and reduced the number of nighttime awakenings by more than a third!
  • You’ll enjoy the best sex of your life… Here’s another way yoga makes things better in the bedroom. It can help boost desire and arousal, increase lubrication, intensify orgasm and satisfaction, and reduce pain. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found yoga significantly improved sex for women in all six of these crucial ways. And the improvement was even greater in women over age 45!
  • You’ll suffer less pain and discomfort… Yoga can be a “miracle worker” for your aching back, joints, and muscles. It improves flexibility and range of motion while reducing pain and stiffness. One study found people with low back pain who did yoga noticed a significant improvement in back comfort and function compared to other treatments!
I know yoga can do all of these wonderful things for you and more. But you can’t just do any yoga. It’s very important to do the right yoga poses, and do them correctly. Yet the way some people are teaching yoga is giving it a bad rap… and making sports doctors and orthopedists rich!

Unfortunately, many yoga classes are led by teachers who haven’t had much training, either in yoga or in how the human body works. This can put you at risk of hurting yourself. It’s no wonder one sports doctor I know says he sees more injuries from “health club” yoga than anything else!

Even if the teacher is well-trained, you can end up in too big of a class and not be able to see what the teacher is actually doing. Or there’s some sort of competitive vibe where everyone is trying to do the pose better or longer than the person next to them.
And don’t even get me started on Bikram yoga, also known as “hot yoga”. I recently found myself in a Bikram class while traveling (I had gone out of curiosity). Lucky for me, I was familiar with the individual postures and had enough body awareness to know my own limits.
But I was shocked at how hard even the beginning students in the class were pushed. While doing one hip stretch pose, the instructor actually urged us to “do it until it hurts!”
Yoga should never hurt. Whenever you do a pose, it’s all about what’s best for your body — not the person next to you. And when you do the poses correctly over time, you’ll see your body become stronger, leaner, and more flexible… without straining your joints and muscles. Best of all, you can see fantastic results in just one hour a week!
Not only have I seen this myself and with my students, I’ve got research to back it up. I once conducted a study on the health and fitness benefits of yoga for my Master’s degree. And I witnessed first-hand how even a simple 10-minute practice of yoga twice a day, three days a week, can make a dramatic difference in how you look and feel. Here’s what one woman who took part in my study had to say about it…

Inspired by the results of my study, I took these same gentle but effective yoga moves and created a complete program for body-shaping, fat loss, and head-to-toe wellness. I kept this program to myself for years, and only shared it with a small handful of personal clients.

It wasn’t long before I began to realize so many others could benefit from this same program. Yet if they couldn’t become one of my personal clients, they’d never have the opportunity. Instead, they could end up getting turned off if they tried yoga elsewhere, or even hurting themselves in a health club or “hot” yoga class.
That’s why I created Shapeshifter Yoga. I wanted to make it as easy and safe as possible for YOU to enjoy all the amazing body-shaping and health benefits this unique approach to yoga offers you. And if you live a crazy-busy life like I do, you also need a way to do it that’s convenient, doesn’t take a lot of time, and lets you do it anywhere you like.

A complete body shaping and fat loss program that works on your schedule

Thanks to Shapeshifter Yoga, you can do this body-shaping and fat loss program wherever you want, whenever you want. You don’t have to get in your car, drive to the gym or a park, and then back home.
You save almost an hour of driving — more than enough time to have done your Shapeshifter Yoga workout! And you can get the flat belly, firm butt, and jiggle-free arms you want (along with all those other wonderful “side” benefits I told you about) without strenuous cardio or weightlifting.


Lets me stay active!

“I used Shapeshifter Yoga while I recovered from a knee injury. I loved that I was still able to do the lying/seated poses and work my arms/abs. It let me stay active when I couldn't have done anything else!”
— Veronica, California
Plus you’ll be amazed how easy Shapeshifter Yoga is to follow. You get unlimited access to instructional videos for every single pose in the program. You also get follow-along videos of the yoga flows, instructional manuals, wall charts, and much more. (I have a Bachelor’s degree in Education, so I know how to structure and teach the program so you really learn it!)
Everything is available to you instantly online in your own personal “dashboard” for easy access. You can watch the videos and read the program materials on your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. So wherever you go, Shapeshifter Yoga goes with you.
Plus you’ll appreciate the step-by-step instruction I provide for each pose, so you can feel confident you’re doing it right. You can go at your own pace, without worrying about taking extra time or comparing yourself to others. And once you begin practicing the poses and flows regularly on your schedule, you’ll be amazed how quickly you start to see results!


What is Kategonic Diet ?

The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low-carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.

Is the kategonic diet safe for us?

The keto diet could cause low blood pressure, kidney stones, constipation, nutrient deficiencies and an increased risk of heart disease. Strict diets like keto could also cause social isolation or disordered eating. Keto is not safe for those with any conditions involving their pancreas, liver, thyroid or gallbladder.

What do we eat on kategonic diet ?

  • Seafood. Fish and shellfish are very keto-friendly foods. 
Many types of seafood are carb-free or very low in carbs. Fish and shellfish are also good sources of vitamins, minerals and omega-3s.

  • Low-Carb Vegetables.
The net carbs in non-starchy vegetables range from 1–8 grams per cup. Vegetables are nutritious, versatile and may help reduce the risk of disease.

  • Cheese
Cheese is rich in protein, calcium and beneficial fatty acids, yet contains a minimal amount of carbs.

  • Avocados
Avocados contain 2 grams of net carbs per serving and are high in fiber and several nutrients, including potassium. In addition, they may improve heart health markers.

  • Meat and Poultry.
Meat and poultry do not contain carbs and are rich in high-quality protein and several nutrients. Grass-fed meat is the healthiest choice.

  • Eggs
Eggs contain less than 1 gram of carbs each and can help keep you full for hours. They're also high in several nutrients and may help protect eye and heart health.

  • Coconut Oil.
Coconut oil is rich in MCTs, which can increase ketone production. In addition, it may increase metabolic rate and promote the loss of weight and belly fat.

  • Plain Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese
Both plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese contain 5 grams of carbs per serving. Studies have shown that they help reduce appetite and promote fullness.

  • Olive oil
Extra-virgin olive oil is high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It's ideal for salad dressings, mayonnaise and adding to cooked foods.

  • Nuts and seed
Nuts and seeds are heart-healthy, high in fiber and may lead to healthier aging. They provide 0–8 grams of net carbs per ounce.

  • Berries
Berries are rich in nutrients that may reduce the risk of disease. They provide 5–12 grams of net carbs per 3.5-ounce serving.

  • Butter and Creams
Butter and cream are nearly carb-free and appear to have neutral or beneficial effects on heart health, when consumed in moderation.

  • Shirataki noodles
Shirataki noodles contain less than 1 gram of carbs per serving. Their viscous fiber helps slow down the movement of food through your digestive tract, which promotes fullness and stable blood sugar levels.

  • Olives
Olives are rich in antioxidants that may help protect heart and bone health. They contain 1 gram of net carbs per ounce.

  • Unsweetened coffee and tea
Unsweetened coffee and tea contain no carbs and can help boost your metabolic rate, as well as physical and mental performance. They can also reduce your risk of diabetes.

  • Dark Chocolate and cocoa Powder
Dark chocolate contains 3–10 grams of net carbs per ounce, is high in antioxidants and may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Then how does the ketogenic diet work? When only fat is available for the body to burn, the body converts the fats into fatty acids, and then into compounds called ketones, which can be taken up and used to fuel the body's cells. A keto diet forces the body into a state called ketosis, meaning that the body's cells depend largely on ketones for energy.The “keto” diet is any extremely low- or no-carbohydrate diet that forces the body into a state of ketosis. However, many experts say ketosis itself is not necessarily harmful. Some studies , in fact, suggest that a ketogenic diet is safe for significantly overweight or obese people.
Considering these risks, people who have kidney damage (including those with type 2 diabetes), plus individuals with or at risk for heart disease, and pregnant or breastfeeding women, shouldn't try the keto diet.
How long the keto diet is safe for weight loss is still under study. Early research found that overweight individuals who followed it for 24 weeks had positive results. Another study recommends people follow the diet for no more than 12 months.How much weight you lose in a week on keto? Medically, professionals usually recommend an average of one to two pounds of weight loss per week when losing weight the “traditional” way. Is the keto diet any different? At first — within the first several weeks — you'll lose mostly water weight due to a decrease in calories.
Does exercise speed up weight loss in ketosis?
Ramp up Your Physical Activity
In addition, being more active can help you get into ketosis. When you exercise, you deplete your body of its glycogen stores. Normally, these are replenished when you eat carbs, which are broken down into glucose and then converted to glycogen.